Thursday, October 18, 2018

Army 10 Miler

Patric and I slipped away for a relaxing weekend in DC running the Army 10 Miler a few weekends ago. We had dinner with a friend the day before, who wisely advised: You won't win, and you won't die.  She was exactly right.

While we were away, the girls were ever industrious and helped kick off Halloween Season with a cake.

Nick, on the other hand, kicked off Halloween season a little differently. 
The text I received: "I think I did something to my arm."
I told him to drink some water and go to bed.  It solves most problems, even foolish ones...

And so it happened quite coincidentally that we were in DC the weekend of the Kavanaugh vote and confirmation.  We stayed inside most of that day, and we ventured out after it had all died down.

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