Friday, February 23, 2018

Spring Fever is Beginning now

And when we returned home late Sunday evening, we did not have to meet this.  This was mostly gone.  Although the records are in, and February 2018 is on record as one of the top 10 snowiest in history.

Not having to shovel was good.  Because when it was the boys' turn, it took them two hours to do the drive.
I'd look out the window and they would be shoveling.
Later, I'd look out the window and Ben would be shoveling and Nick would be hitting him.
I'd look out the window and Nick would be shoveling and Ben would be laying in a snow bank.
I'd look out the window and they would both be gone, disappeared.
I'd look out the window and they would be shoveling.
Eventually, they got it done.

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