Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Village

Note to self: the gingerbread cookie recipe makes enough dough for three houses, not four...

Gingerbread baby making snow angels.

Me: "Elaine, why does your chimney look like it is dripping in blood?"
Her: "Oh, Santa fell.  That's him down there."

And when boys share the construction of a gingerbread house, there are a few crumbles.
Or as they say, there was a tornado.
Must have been what knocked Santa off the other house.

Destruction aside, Ben made a camp fire to warm everyone while they recovered from the damage.

Nicholas's contribution was to use his blow gun dart making skills to upscale a Christmas Tree mold.
Turned out pretty awesome.

And Alida.
She stayed far and away from the mayhem down the street and kept things classic and in order.

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