Monday, July 22, 2013

Contant Movement: June and July 2013

We rode a train across the country leaving from Jackson, Mississippi.

We took on Chicago.

We hit Minnesota.

We stopped in Houston to see some mummies.
(and I swear that looks like a vampire child on the left.)

We saw the neighborhood fireworks finally on our third holiday in Houston.

Patric went fishing in the Gulf and fought a shark for 45 minutes. 
At least this is the tale he tells.

Then we really moved (or we're moving this week rather).
We sold the Houston house somewhere in there, and we're off at the end of the week to take on Montgomery, Alabama.

...where all they care about is a swimming pool. 
We've assured them there is a community pool in the new neighborhood.

And somewhere in there, I found a little time to take a work trip to Africa.

While Patric took the kids to Kansas for Father's Day with the Stubers at the farm.
It's still up in the air whether Internet connectivity is worse in Africa or Southern Kansas.


The Kings said...

How did you get this far without that label indeed! Par crazy-busy Stuber news, and you still amaze us all. Can't wait to see you all make your mark on Montgomery!

Mommy Jenny said...

Wow! No wonder the blog has been so quiet! Good luck with your move!!