Monday, February 14, 2011

Two Out of Four Agree

The Stubers love snow days.

These two were pouting because they got snow on their pants walking from the car to the house. I got distressed girl duty.


Never Wear Tennis Shoes to the Dump said...

I marvel at how you managed to produce such Girly Divas. Ben's snow-smile is delightful.

Brian and Lori said...

Question: Speaking of girly divas..who is the biggest Drama Queen of the brood? I venture to say it might not, in fact, be a girl??

LOVE the snow will look back on those one day and smile.

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Hands down and by far our biggest girly diva/drama queen is Elaine. No question.

Mommy Jenny said...

I think it's so funny that Ben is one of the ones that loves it! I still remember the first time it snowed when I was watching them and Ben stood at the window telling it to "Stop!"